AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
CaBA Catchment Based Approach
CEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
CIL Community Infrastructure Levy
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
D&SIFCA Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
DCC Devon County Council
Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DLPG Devon Landscape Policy Group
DWT Devon Wildlife Trust
EA Environment Agency
EC European Commission
ECC Exeter City Council
EDDC East Devon District Council
EEMP Exe Estuary Management Partnership
EEO Exe Estuary Officer
EU European Union
F&CERMS Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy
FWAG Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GLA General Lighthouse Authority
HMO Habitat Mitigation Officers
HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment
LiCCo Living with a Changing Coast
LNR Local Nature Reserve
LPA Local Planning Authority
MCA Maritime and Coastguard Agency
MMO Marine Management Organisation
MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive
NE Natural EnglandNEPNational Environmental Programme
NLO Net Limitation Order
NNR National Nature Reserve
NVZ Nitrate Vulnerable Zone
OS Ordnance Survey
PML Plymouth Marine Laboratory
PUG Port User Group
RBMP River Basin Management Plan
RSPB Royal Society for the Protectionof Birds
RYA Royal Yachting Association
SAC Special Area of Conservation
SANG Sustainable Alternative Natural Greenspace
SEDHRP South East Devon Habitat Regulations Partnership
SMP Shoreline Management Plan
SPA Special Protection Area
SRC Shoreline Response Centre
SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest
SWW South West Water
TH Trinity House
UST Upstream Thinking
WCO Western Channel Observatory
WFD Water Framework Directive
WRT Westcountry Rivers Trust