EEMP Committee agenda – 26/9/19

Thursday 26th September 2019, 10:00am-12.30pm
Location: Exe Sailing Club, Tornado, Shelly Rd, Exmouth EX8 1EG

Voting members

Devon County Council (Partnership Chair): Cllr Jeffrey Trail BEM (JT)
East Devon District Council: Cllr Michael Howe (MH) / Cllr Geoff Jung
Teignbridge District Council: Cllr Charles Nuttall (CN)
Exeter City Council: Cllr Andrew Leadbetter (AL)
Exmouth Town Council: Cllr Bruce De Saram (BDS)
Dawlish Town Council: Cllr Terry Lowther (TL) / Cllr Martin Wrigley (MW)
Starcross Parish Council: Cllr Andrew Cadbury (AC)
Woodbury Parish Council: Cllr Michael Hesketh (MH)
Clyst St George Parish Council: Cllr John Manser (JM)
Bishops Clyst Parish Council: Cllr Christopher Scanes (CS)
Forum Chair: Jeremy Rawlings (JR)
RSPB: Peter Otley (PO)
Powderham Estate: Lord Charles Courtenay (CC) / Tim Faulkner (TF)
British Canoeing: Jane Evans (JE)
Devon Wildfowling and Conservation Association (DWCA): Scott Harding, Secretary (SH)
Environment Agency: Hugh Davey (HD)
Devon & Severn IFCA: Oliver Thomas (OT)

Supporting Officers (non-voting)

Devon County Council: Peter Chamberlain (PC)
East Devon District Council: James Chubb (JC)
Teignbridge District Council: Graeme Smith (GS)
Exeter City Council: Grahame Forshaw (GF)
Exeter City Council: Colin Acton (CA)
Exe Estuary Officer: Stephanie Harper-Chung (SHC)
Minute taker: Rowena Garne (RG)

Specialist Advisors (Non voting)

Environment Agency / Lower Otter Restoration Project: Megan Rimmer (MR)
Exe Sailing Club: Dave Preston (DP)


Forum Vice Chair: Ted Draper (TD)
Lympstone Fishery & Harbour Association: Neil Downes (ND)
Exeter City Council: David Bartram (DB)
Exeter City Council: Steve Carnell (SC)
Exmouth Town Council: Lisa Bowman (LB)
RYA: Alan Wood (AW)
British Canoeing: Peter Thorn (PT)
Natural England: (TBC)
Stakeholder Representative: Rex Frost (RF)
South East Devon Habitat Regulations Partnership (SEDHRP): Neil Harris (NH)

Agenda items

10:00 Apologies for absence and introductions (JT)
10:10 Minutes and Action Log of previous meeting (JT)
10:20 Voting for Partnership Vice Chair (JT)
10:30 Lower Otter Restoration Project (MR)
10:50 Governance Issues (PC):
– Approval of revised governance structure
– Review of Memorandum of Agreement
11:05 Budget monitoring 2019-20 (PC)
11:15 Delivery Plan Highlight Report (SHC)
11:30 Approval of Annual Review 2018-19 (PC)
11:40 Feedback from Stakeholder Forum 2019 (JR)
11:55 Introduction from the newly appointed Exeter City Council Harbour Master (GF)
12.10 Any other business (JT)

Other information

Date of next Partnership Committee meeting, to be agreed at meeting:

  • March 2020, 10am-12.30pm – suggest first two weeks in March (suggestions for venue)

Dates of next Forums:

  • Winter Forum: Tuesday 4th February 2020, 7pm-9.30pm (end time TBC) – Council Chamber, County Hall

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