- Launch from Mamhead Slipway where possible
- Avoid voluntary Wildlife Refuges when safe to do so: stay away from areas where you may cause disturbance to protected wildlife
- Keep 200m off shore, away from beaches and residential areas
- Respect the local Byelaws
- Read information signs
- Carry the correct safety equipment on board, including a tow rope, a suitable means of calling for help and wear a personal flotation device and kill cord
- Ensure you have third party insurance
- Display your DATATAG ID number on your craft
- Get trained!
- Exceed 10 knot speed limit within harbour limits (as defined by charts and buoyage)
- Leave your vehicles on the beach or on slipways
- Land anywhere in Dawlish Warren other than designated area
- Run your engine when out of the water
- Operate amongst the moorings
- Go up river from your launch point – use of PWC’s over 10 knots should not be undertaken in the estuary, but should be taken out to sea.
Exe Estuary Navigation Byelaws
Byelaw 4: Do not exceed speed limit as defined by charts and buoyage: 10 knots max.
Byelaw 6: Navigate with due care and attention and with reasonable care for others.
Contact details for further information
Exe Estuary Management Partnership
Exe Estuary Officer: Phone 01392 382236
Coastguard (emergencies)
CallĀ 999 or VHF Ch 16
Harbour Authority (River and Canal Office)
Office hours: Phone 01392 265791
Out of hours emergency: Phone 0845 351 1060
For general information: visit