Draft Agenda for the EEMP Virtual Forum has been released

The Draft Agenda for the upcoming Exe Estuary Management Partnership Virtual Forum on the 21st October, 19:00-20:30 has now been released (see below):

Agenda Items

Introduction to the Forum and Zoom instructions – Jeremy Rawlings, Forum Chair

Exe Estuary Management Partnership update – Jay Boyle, Exe Estuary Officer

Exeter Port Authority – update from the Harbour Master – Grahame Forshaw, Exeter Port Authority

Exmouth National Coastwatch Institute – Hugh DeSouza, Exmouth NCI

Water quality management underpinning sustainable aquaculture (featuring a case study on the Exe estuary) – Dr Ross Brown, SWEEP

Devon & Severn IFCA – hand gathering byelaw – TBC

Wildlife & lockdown – Natalie Holt, RSPB

Question Time – Ted Draper, Forum Vice Chair

Roundup of the day, thank you and goodbye – Jeremy Rawlings, Forum Chair


If you have any questions for the speaker in advance of the meeting, please send them to the Exe Estuary Officer exeestua@devon.gov.uk and we will endeavour to answer these on the night. Those that don’t get answered we will aim to get a response back to you following the meeting.

There’s only a limited amount of tickets left so don’t delay; get yours now at Eventbrite.
Joining instructions and a final Agenda will be circulated in the lead up to the event.

We look forward to seeing you there.