Summer Stakeholder Forum Recording and Presentations Now Available

The Summer Stakeholder Virtual Forum

September 15th 2021  18:30 – 20:30 via Zoom

Due to COVID-19, the event once again took place virtually via Zoom and was attended by 63 people.

The event was an opportunity for local people with an interest in the Exe Estuary to come and discuss their views and hear about management on the estuary. The Forum is an open event at which any organisation, interest group or member of the public can become involved in discussion of estuary related matters.

This year we focused on the Renewal of the Management Plan which will cover the next 5 years (2022-2027).

The evening kicked off with some short presentations, followed by a series of workshops through 12 breakout rooms based around Sub-Themes within the Management Plan.

If you missed the event, you can catch up via the recording using the password: $9Wy^YD^ 
Please note that individual breakout rooms were not recorded.

Please see the Agenda for full details of the evening. Presentations were as follows:

If you attended the event please remember to fill out the Feedback Form and return them to